Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Nude bathing on Eastbourne Beach - NO WAY!
I enjoyed finding this reference then in an old Evening Post (7 Jan 1908) that records the passing of Eastbourne's new bylaw prohibiting such practices. And note, they even had swimming code inspectors - caretakers of the PUBLIC GOOD!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Beech forest damage, Days Bay
Additional light may be let in. Wind can get in. The eventually decaying trunk will provide organic material for soil rejuvenation and so on. When several trees fall with very wet feet, inadequate root systems etc the consequences may be greater. When even more trees are felled by the addition of very strong wind the ecological issues escalate.
There is no doubt that the removal of the pines above Sunshine Bay contributed to the die-back and wind assisted toppling of many Beech trees over the southerly ridge from the Pine Forest and in to Days Bay. To imply that the death of the Beech trees was an almost direct result of the trees being cut from 2006 is simply not good ecological reasoning.

With the Pine Forest over the ridge (shown above) gone, other trees that had grown in it's shelter were now more exposed to the elements. Immediately after the first 'wet feet' and 'wind-blow' fall of pine trees in 2004, trees all around took a beating. First, of course, it was the neighbouring pine trees to those that had fallen - to natures hand, not man's.
The same storms had afflicted the Wellington City pine forest on the Tinakori hills (also 2004) and forced the WCC to lead the way in removing the remainder of their pine forest.
HCC council began cutting in 2005 and as already noted earlier a small stand of Beech on the edge of the northern Days Bay ridge were the first taller trees to die back. Other beech trees that had not grown in the lee of the forest, remained strong and unaffected. Medium height native specimens that had also begun to grow on that northern ridge in the lee of the pine forest also were burnt off.

It looks a mess now from afar but close up it a an amazing seedling bed. The uprooted trees effectively loosened soil, provided protection from the sun and moisture retention in the area immediately behind the root balls. There is probably going to be much faster return to a stronger forest than existed before, than if regrowth was happening following a fire.

My next post will consider a little of what we know of this area going back about 150 years. The Bays were cleared, burnt (on purpose and by accident) and farmed. Roads were cut into the hillside, sections were cleared and houses built.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Pine forest removal, Sunshine Bay - Post #4
- the 'pathway' of a get-a-way log
- the get-a-way log
- the completed result, including the long-term- tie back with wire ropes of many of the fallen trunks (too difficult to remove with a helicopter). The clean up included the cutting into firewood lengths, one large log that had slipped downhill out of control, just missing the new house being built below.

The logging team were working on a wet Sunday to complete the job, tying back all trunks with large ropes in an endeavour to prevent the log possibly careering sown hill. Despite their efforts one did get a way with the 50 mm rope unravelling itself from its tie-up point. It slid just past the house under construction at the top of Mahina Road.

The photo below, taken in January 2007, shows the hillside after the last of the trees was felled. Clearing up the boundary track still has to be undertaken. One can see the wire ropes placed to secure the trunks from slipping down hill. (All images can be seen in a slightly enlarged format by clicking on them.)
It was from this area that the small 'lahar' arose (mentioned in a much earlier post).
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pine Forest - Slips Sunshine Bay - post #3
This particular area has slipped quite often over the last 40 years or so. 1976 (or was it '77?) there was a very substantial rainfall during December. The western Hutt hills literally ran with water, pushing cars off the road below. In Sunshine Bay several significant slips occurred, one bringing down a crib block wall to the bottom of a valley. In 2004 the Pine Forest area began to slip - surprise surprise - without any help from the Council. And it has continued to the present. It has been a dramatic and for some, traumatic over the past 4 years. I am retrospectively doing these posts to give a slightly longer term perspective to the ecological factors than simply the cutting of the forest over a couple of years.

This photo, taken October 2006, is looking south from above Sunshine Bay to the northern ridge between Days Bay and Sunshine Bay.
The position of the cottage that was destroyed earlier (mentioned in a previous post) is labeled.
Top left there was a small stand of beech trees that had grown up with the pines,in their shelter. They died following the demise of the pine forest.
The bigger slip, shown in the centre of the photo, contributed to the destruction of the house below, just above the Marine drive. These slips and other recent ones, started in 2004 - before the Council had done anything. Of course, the valley has been slipping for millenniums - that's why there is a valley there!

This is the house, October 2006. Some of the large, fallen pine tree trunks that came down with the slip can be seen .

The white house on the right was also damaged and has also been removed.
Decision made to fell the Pine Forest
The first photo here shows some of the pines left on the Sunshine Bay - Mahina Bay ridge. The lack of green needled branches is very apparent.

These photos were taken during October 2006 - some time after felling had stopped.

Pines fallen because of 'wet feet'. Sunshine Bay Feb 2004

High above the northerly valley in Sunshine Bay some of these pines fell

These two photos show the first pines fallen. Further south, on the edge of the forest, the southerly wind did have an added effect - dozens of unstable strees fell and land began to slip in the area, taking out a samll bach and injuring the occupant when the landslide breached the wall of the room where he was sitting at his desk.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Borough matters not
There was a mayor, now dead and gone
Who many thought should have a gong.
Then one day to the borough came
A man who had so little shame.
He wanted much to be town clerk
But from his past he could not depart.
Wiley man, he knew the mayor
Also had misdeeds that brought despair.
Their pasts, they agreed, would forever remain
Each others secret so both would gain.
The mayor departed without his gong
The man, he worked and sang his song.
Many an oldie had their garden done
The hand of the new mayor he had won.
But when the residents complained
That the town clerk had mucked up again
And to the new mayor went with tales
She simply promised, smiled, but no betrayls.
Then election time it came
And a new would-be-mayor took the reign.
He promised to keep the borough free
Of interference from the powers that be.
But he had not reckoned upon wiser counsel
That he discovered would dispatch his council.
He left in a hurry for he could not curry
The favour of all of those who were in a flurry.
And then the day came when the borough went
To its great big neighbour, its day spent.
The town clerk too, until it transpired
He was now only a minion and retired.
He went over the hill where the grass grew green
At least for the town clerk, for he had seen
A widow with a bigger pile
And the old new mayor became a file.
She left with hurt and her poetry skills
While the erstwhile town clerk enjoyed his frills.
Then suddenly he became quite sickly
And judgement day came all too quickly.
There is no moral to this story
Merely opportunity to be observatory.